Friday, March 30, 2012

How To Find Out If Someone Died Or Find Where Someone Is Buried

How to find out if someone died when you have little to go on

The more that you know about a person the easier it is to find out more about them but what if you don't have much information to start with? What if you're trying to find out what happened to a school friend or an old work mate that you lost touch with years ago? There may be no mutual friends to ask, you've no idea where they live or lived and you're not even sure what country they might be in. What do you do then?

Mass Mutual

The good news is that it's never been easier to find people than it is today. The Internet is making the job of accessing public records a breeze as more and more public information databases are placed online. Searching public databases can often be done for free and if you have a good idea about where to look you stand a good chance of finding what you want.

How To Find Out If Someone Died Or Find Where Someone Is Buried

But how to find out if someone died if you have nothing more than a name to go on? You might not even be sure that you've got the name right. You may have to painstakingly search through obituaries, cemetery records, funeral home records, genealogy databases, social security information and lots more. You might have to do this for many states if you don't know where they lived. You might even have to look for leads in many countries.

Help is available

This is a job that could potentially take you several years to complete but help is at hand. The problem of how to find where someone is buried or how to find any information about an individual is a big problem for many people and help in solving it are now available.

The more information you have to start with the easier it is. If you know someone who has knowledge of the person you are looking for then you can find out if someone is dead by simply asking your mutual friend. Knowing where the person lived can narrow your search down considerably and in the unlikely event that you know the persons social security number then finding them should be easy.

How to save time looking for someone

If you don't know very much about someone then finding out what has happened to them can be laborious and time consuming. It could take you years of looking and you still might not find them. One way of saving time is to hire a private detective to do the searching for you. They are used to finding people and they should be well acquainted with all the public records databases that are available.

Hiring a PI can work out very expensive however and there can never be any guarantee of results. A cheaper option is to make use of an online service that has done all the hard work of finding and integrating all the available records databases together. You still need to have some information to start with but then so would your Private Investigator Consultant.

Find out anything you want about someone

Online undercover detective services aren't limited to how to find out if someone died. You will be amazed at exactly how much you can find out about someone from where they were born to what their credit rating is like. You can even do searches on yourself to find out what information is being kept on you. It's kind of scary.

How To Find Out If Someone Died Or Find Where Someone Is Buried

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Massage and Sex - Eroticism of Sensual Touching

To appropriately detail the combination of massage and sex is to define the correlation between this and sex. In correlating, a distinction in each aspect of massage and sex must be portrayed.

Massage, in a brief excerpt from encyclopedic definition, as derived from French terminology, is described as the friction of kneading. Such phrasing has two sources of origin, in both Arabic and Latin. The Arabic reference is in the term of Massa, which is to touch, feel and handle; while the Latin, also terming such as Massa, refers to a mass of dough, or, as a treatment in the practice of soft body tissue manipulation, from a physical, functional, mechanical, medical, therapeutic, or emotional purpose of intent.

Mass Mutual

Such intent could be a supportive measure toward the dual role of massage and sex. This is referred to as a manipulation. As an incorporation of all definitions combined, each component is accomplished by the actions of manipulation upon a human body, with forms of pressure, in the variations of structured, unstructured, stationary, moving, tension, motion, and vibration by the process implementing either manual or mechanical aids. Tissues of focus, through the application of it, include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, connective tissues, lymphatic vessels and certain organs. Direct physically applied can be engaged through the application of hands, fingers, elbows, forearms and feet. It has been determined that there are in excess of over eighty variations of massage.

Massage and Sex - Eroticism of Sensual Touching

Sex, in another brief excerpt from encyclopedic definition, references the duality of male and female in regards to biology and reproduction. Male and Female sexed mating possess the capability in the production of offspring by processes of meiosis and fertilization. Each of the two sexes display an inherent attraction and desire for one another, which suggests propagation towards massage and sex. The process of communication, as to their respective forms of receptiveness in commencing the biological act of procreation, varies by diversities in biology. Where humans are concerned, the term sex has multiple variations in its definition. The first variation is in the clinical reference to the dichotomous state, or, in another sense, the sexual identity for the general purposes of biological and social aspects. Secondly, are the biological functionality and its effects.

In uniting the characteristics of massage and sex, a concluding and corresponding reference could well be defined as erotic massage. Once again, an encyclopedic definition as to the connotation of this is the application of physical techniques enacted for the purposes of eroticism, which, simply expressed, plays a realistic role in a couple's practice of making love.

To best interpret massage and sex, as in the case of erotic massage, is to expand upon its effects in heightening levels of sensual pleasures and sexual gratification. In contrast to traditional practices, whereas the individual receiving the massage is draped in towels, the individuals, or, rather, the couple engaged in the mutual eroticism, defined, in plain terms, as massage and sex, are totally nude. The targeted areas of the body to be massaged are unlike those areas in conventional settings. Erotic massage and sex involves this of the groin and other intimate regions of the body, such as breasts, chest, armpits, ears, nape of the neck, as well as anal areas. As a result of this nature of sensual application, sexual arousal is highly stimulated and elevated.

Objectives in practicing erotic massage and sex serve two fold. Initially, libido is highly stimulated, from an enhancement through the erogenous zones. Secondly, erotic massage and sex cultivates an individual's ability to react sensually to such erotic stimulation.

Erotic massage and sex can also be portioned into two phases - foreplay, which is the portion, and climatic gratification, in the form of the actual act of complete sexual interaction.

As a summarization, massage and sex, when engaged in such order, serves to increase the period of intimacy, through heightening sensitivity, increasing the level arousal, enhancing the fulfillment of pleasure, aids in the prevention of premature ejaculation, circulates erotic energy, and relaxes muscularity for prolonged eroticism and a longer period of pleasure. This and sex can be supplement with certain natural oils, creams, lotions and personal lubricants to avoid any degrees of chaffing or irritation in highly sensitive areas.

Massage and Sex - Eroticism of Sensual Touching

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Incorporate Church

A non-profit association is an incorporated association run with the primary purpose other than to make profit. The not-for-profit associations fall into three categories. Educational institutions and charitable associations for public benefit, trusts for the mutual benefit of the members and religious establishments like churches, religious beneficial programs and religious education. Churches are theological institutions with Jesus Christ as the head. Churches exist for the worship of God. Other activities include proselytizing, i.e. spreading the word of God to others and other charitable works. Churches have many denominations like Catholics, Protestants, etc.

By the definition of corporation as a legal entity, churches can also be incorporated. The advantages to incorporate a church are tax exemption status under IRS code section 501(c) (3); thus, the donations and property transferal are exempted. Also, the limited liability clause protects the officers, in this case, the priests and other members of the church committee. Other fringe benefits include lower postal rates on bulk mail and the options for employees to join federal subsidized job training and work study programs.

Mass Mutual

The church can be incorporated by filing the articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State. Most states require at least three directors. Some allow less than three when there are less than three members, and other states require only one director. To claim tax exemption, IRS form 1023 must be filed within 15 months from the date of filing the articles of incorporation.

Incorporate Church

Since churches are concerned with theological issues, the fact that the incorporated church is a creation of the state immediately clashes with the theological proposition that God is the head of the church. Hence, many people are against the incorporation of church. Since the independence of the United States, incorporation of churches has always been contentious. In fact in 1811, President Madison vetoed a bill to incorporate churches. Since then, the state of Virginia doesn't allow churches to be incorporated.

Incorporate Church

Monday, March 19, 2012

Apartment Lease Negotiation Tips for Lower Rent and Cheaper Renewals!

Imagine this typical scenario:

You return to your apartment after a long day and find in your mailbox or under your door an official letter from your landlord. It says that your current lease will be ending in a few months and that you have two alternatives: (1) receive a "one time special" if you quickly renew your lease for another year, or (2) pay a higher rate if you instead go month-to-month. To your dismay, the new rent amount for both alternatives is significantly higher than what you are currently paying to this landlord. What will you do?

Mass Mutual

Step 1 is to stay calm. Your landlord's strategy is to play on natural fears of further rent increases as it gets closer to renewal time. They know this, and you should too. They are writing this way because landlords have learned that most people will rush to judgment and thus quickly agree to their initial terms and rent increases. However, understand that much of what's in this initial letter are just dream amounts and dream terms for your landlord. Especially, if there are currently any "for lease" signs or similar promotional materials on the grounds of your complex. So remember, stay calm. You can usually ignore this initial letter and wait to respond after receiving their follow-up note a few weeks later, which will often include better terms and conditions. In the meantime...

Apartment Lease Negotiation Tips for Lower Rent and Cheaper Renewals!

Step 2 is to understand. If you can think like your landlord, you will be able to write a simple, but effective, letter to your landlord that has proven to get results. What to include? Keep reading and you will learn how some creativity, a little research, and reasonable confidence can help you to reduce their asking amount even further. And, from this base you will understand how to ask for the lease duration that best meets your needs, and how (depending on market conditions) you can even have a new lease where you pay less rent than your current lease.

First, an example of what NOT to do: Many people mistakenly think that they should tell their landlord they are prepared to move, but that they would really like to stay so they can save on paying moving expenses. In this case, you are not negotiating from a power perspective. Your landlord knows that moving costs (e.g., truck, supplies, labor, etc.) represent money from your pocket, so they will almost always say, "no, do what you have to do, and move." They know from experience that most people want to avoid moving hassles so they figure in this example that tenants will eventually take any "found money" that would have been spent on moving expenses and instead "give it" to their landlord via compliance with their initial rent increase letter.

Alternatively, by using the techniques that follow, we are going to turn this above situation around and show you how to convince your landlord to willingly take money that they would have otherwise spent on re-rental activities and instead "give it" to you in the form of a direct rent reduction or indirect rent concession to the original terms. To better see why this works, understand that your apartment's leasing manager (the person who can approve rent discounts) most likely reports to someone at a larger corporation. And, that someone wants a signed lease -- no matter the term -- to limit their uncertainty and risk exposure, and to help with corporate planning. You must use this to your advantage. Thus...

Step 3 is to do your research. Check online websites for any rent specials. This includes mass-market sites such as and, plus the website of your apartment complex and management firm. What specials are they offering to new renters? Print these out. Also, check the web for similar complexes that are near your current apartment and those that are known competition to your current landlord. Especially interesting are those places that are brand new and those that are charging comparable amounts to your older rental unit. You will use these numbers to determine a reasonable counteroffer for your proposed new lease.

Step 4 is to write. You will send to your leasing manager (i.e., landlord representative) a polite, but direct, one-page letter that initially:

(A) "Thanks them for their letter of ____ (fill-in date) regarding their desire to have you continue as a high quality resident of ____ (fill-in name of apartment complex) after your current lease concludes on ____ (fill-in date)."

(B) Asserts that "You are unable to sign a new twelve-month lease agreement with their firm and that the terms and conditions provided by their firm for month-to-month leasing are unacceptable."

(C) Mentions that "However, understanding your desire to maintain positive cash flow and occupancy of my unit via multi-month commitments in these economic times, I respectfully offer the following modified terms:"

It is here that your research can pay big dividends. You must now state that "I am willing to sign, immediately, a ____ (fill-in desired rental duration) months lease for my current unit with the following modified provisions: ____ (state how much you are willing to pay and specifically what discounts and/or other benefits such as free parking, storage, and competitor or management-advertised rebates for which you are asking as per your research)." If appropriate, attach a copy or short summary of any relevant pricing or specific promotional printout.

To strengthen your claim, state that "This arrangement is a 'win-win' and provides a solid basis by which both you, ____ (fill-in the name of your apartment's management company), and myself can mutually meet our individual, corporate, and personal needs." Next, if there are any special circumstances that help your case (see below), you would include them here. For example, "The above is consistent with comparable properties in the area and is asking for nothing more than what is currently being offered to your new ____ (fill-in name of apartment complex) tenants." Or, if you were a mid-year renter in a college town and wanted to stay shorter than an additional full lease term you would write, "The proposed arrangement enables you to put my unit back on cycle so that you can receive premium student rents next year since this proposal makes my unit available in August / September of next year rather than after the prime student rush."

Conclude this letter with a paragraph that further reinforces your position by communicating the following facts to your leasing manager / landlord representative:

"Immediately, this proposal enables you to have my unit generating income -- not vacant -- for an additional ____ (fill-in duration) months from today. Not only is this positive considering the current rental market, but you eliminate cleaning fees, searching/agency fees, and income loss; and are ensured by having a quality tenant who has consistently paid on time, is not a 'hell raiser' with neighbors, and who keeps the unit in as high a clean and quality condition that is possible as per normal living conditions." Your last sentence should always be a call to action. For example, "Please call me upon receipt of this letter so that we can setup a time to sign all forms that will complete this proposed renewal. I look forward to our mutual agreement. This is a 'win-win' for all involved!"

Step 5 is to enjoy. Congratulate yourself for a job well done. You've earned your discount and can now celebrate the fruits of your labor for the rest of your new lease. And, remember, you can do this all over again next year! You have shown loyalty by staying, and they will still make more money by giving you the discount rather than getting a new person because the unit will not be vacant for an unknown length of time. Nor, will they have exceptional cleaning fees or new painting expenses between tenants.

Finally, keep in mind that your lease benefits might be written in the form of a rent concession instead of as a rent reduction. What this means is that if you break your lease and leave early, you might be responsible for paying back to your landlord the difference between the negotiated concession and their original offer. If it's a straight reduction, this might not be an issue. Though, standard liquidated damages clauses in your lease might still be there and require you to pay a "break the lease" penalty. Either way, current market conditions, the quality of your tenancy, and how long you intend to stay will influence the amount that you will eventually pay for rent. Good luck, and happy living!

© Copyright 2007, James G. Kavalaris. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Reprints must include all text and links; including those from the resource section, below.

Apartment Lease Negotiation Tips for Lower Rent and Cheaper Renewals!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have the Bank's Foreclosure Lawsuit Dismissed If it Doesn't Have a Case

Once homeowners defending their home against foreclosure in court have received additional time by filing a Motion for Extension for Time, the next step is to begin researching their options for the actual defense. But if the bank has committed certain errors in attempting to establish their ability to sue at all, borrowers should hold off on filing their answer until a Motion to Dismiss is decided upon by the judge in the case.

However, there are only a handful of strong reasons for filing a Motion to Dismiss which can stop foreclosure before the the merits of case are even seriously considered. These defenses have much to do with the legal ability of the bank to sue the borrowers in the first place, or its inability to follow the necessary foreclosure laws and comply with notice requirements. But these can often be the most tricky requirements to meet, and any failure can be used against the bank to throw the lawsuit out of court.

Mass Mutual

Especially if the homeowners know that their loan has been sold around to various lenders and servicing companies, they should contest who actually owns the mortgage at the time of the foreclosure. Banks may be unable to show an assignment of the loan from one company to the next, especially if the lawsuit is being pursued by a large lender or servicer.

Have the Bank's Foreclosure Lawsuit Dismissed If it Doesn't Have a Case

One clear indication of this deficiency is if the bank does not attach the note or mortgage to the complaint, either attaching a copy or admitting it does not have possession of the note. It is difficult to establish that a contract has been breached between two parties if the party suing for breach of contract can not even produce the original contract. This is the problem banks run into when they attempt to foreclose on a home but have not done the homework necessary to establish their ownership of that mortgage.

Also, if the borrowers have reason to suspect that the bank did not follow the state and county foreclosure laws dictating how notice of the foreclosure lawsuit must be given, a Motion to Dismiss for Insufficiency of Process may be filed in lieu of an answer to the complaint. Obviously, if the lender has not even fully complied with the requirements to bring a lawsuit in the first place, there is little worth defending, and the homeowners may be able to have the suit thrown out.

The bank will have to restart the foreclosure process all over again, but having the case thrown out the first time will give borrowers extra time to find alternative solutions to foreclosure. Having filed a successful Motion to Dismiss because of the bank's attorneys' mistakes in filing the suit to begin with will also drive up the costs of the foreclosure altogether and may help persuade the mortgage company to come to the negotiating table with a reasonable offer.

Possibly the best aspect of the Motion to Dismiss is that it will drag out the foreclosure for another few weeks at the most and potentially over a month or more. The courts have stated that defendants do not have to file an answer to the complaint until a Motion to Dismiss has been ruled upon. When borrowers file an extension for time, followed by a Motion to Dismiss, the bank's attempts to take the home quickly are put on hold. Although this may cost the homeowner more in the long run in interest and late fees, it also provides a much needed opportunity to look into other defenses or methods to save the home.

For the last few years, the mortgage industry has entered a state of disrepair, with hundreds of lenders going out of business, mortgage securitization firms filing bankruptcy or entering mergers or receiving federal bailouts, and even the nations two largest mortgage buyers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, being nationalized. With all of this going on in addition to an alarming foreclosure crisis, banks may have a difficult time proving they can even sue families for foreclosure. But unless the owners try to have these lawsuits dismissed before they can be ruled upon, banks will continue to be able to steal homes.

Have the Bank's Foreclosure Lawsuit Dismissed If it Doesn't Have a Case

Monday, March 12, 2012

Valentines Day

In modern context, Valentines Day is celebrated as an occasion when lovers express their love towards each other. It falls on February 14 and coincides with the day on which St. Valentine was martyred. The popularity of Valentines Day is immense and it is observed as holiday in several countries including United States.

On Valentines Day, lovers exchange gifts and valentine cards. People also donate to charity and gift candies on this day. Flowers are the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day. Among flowers, rose is most liked and gifted. It is said that red rose is gifted to express love where as yellow rose and other flowers are gifted for pure friendship.

Mass Mutual

This day is closely marked with mutual exchange of love notes or valentines between the lovers. Previously, handwritten love notes and love poems were exchanged, but later from 19th century onwards-mass scale production of Greeting Cards started. This development also gave rise to the commercialization of thus far a sacred Valentines Day.

Valentines Day

The main symbols of Valentine's Day are the heart shaped outlines and the figures of winged Cupid. Numerous gift items flood the gift shops, as Valentines Day gets closer. Customized valentine cards are also a major attraction of the gifts shops. Greeting Cards sites come with new and fresh valentine e-cards. E cards cover wide themes on valentine like valentine kiss cards, valentine flowers cards, valentine teddy cards, valentine friends cards etc.

Valentine cards are a popular thing to convey the tender emotions of individuals. After Christmas cards, valentine cards are the most circulated cards. This day is more popular in women than men, a source says. A vast amount of information is circulated through various mediums on unique Valentine day ideas and tips, party destinations, gift shops, flower centers etc. Newspapers, TV channels and radio channels air programs and stories related to this day from weeks before the actual Valentine's Day.

From a week before 14th February, celebration of valentine week begins. Each day has different theme like 7th Rose Day, 8th Propose Day, 9th Chocolate Day, 10th Teddy Day, 11th Promise Day, 11th Kiss Day, 13th Hug Day and finally Valentines Day on 14th.

Lovers wait for Valentine's Day impatiently. A lot of people propose their feelings of love for the first time to their sweethearts on this day. Proposals are taken in positive spirit on the part of proposed. At the same time, outright rejections are avoided.

Valentines Day

Friday, March 9, 2012

Competition, Envy & Jealousy Among Women

You're too fat or too skinny; your breasts are too big or too small; your hair is the wrong color, style or length; you would be cute if... bottom line no matter what you do, you are not good enough to keep the man in your life or attract a new one. This is the message that the mass media bombard women with on a daily basis. When a woman dresses explicitly it is for the purpose of gaining admiration and attention from both men and women.

If the large, impersonal social structure is telling women that they must constantly compete with each other, you can imagine the psychological damage this causes at the smaller, personal social structure in female relationships with close friends and family. Most women are not intimidated by movie celebrities, playboy centerfolds and print media super models because they don't have physical access to their male partner. But when your friends and family show a bit too much skin it can be a daunting task to pretend that the man in your life did not see their cleavage in the two-sizes-too-small blouse. Many of us are shocked when friends betray friends on the talk shows; by admitting that they slept with their best friend's boyfriend or husband. Unfortunately, this happens more often than women are willing to admit to.

Mass Mutual

As a counseling psychologist working with women, I have discovered that one of the indirect causes of why women are disloyal to each other is based on self-hatred and low self-esteem more so than the need to hurt other women. In therapy sessions women have revealed that the reason that they slept with their friend's or relative's husband or boyfriend was not because the man was particularly appealing, but because of what the woman who had him represented. Therefore in essence sleeping with another woman's male partner was a way of indirectly possessing the qualities of the woman that the friend admired.

Competition, Envy & Jealousy Among Women

All names have been changed

Sonia, 33: "My relationship with my sister-in-law is putting a strain on the entire family. I hate her because my husband, her brother, is always bragging to me about how pretty and smart she is. I was so tired of hearing that sh--!" When she went on a business trip for two weeks, I asked her husband to sleep with me. His big mouth told the entire family. I denied it, but no one believed me. I got four kids and I dropped out of high school. I envy my sister in-law for getting a college education and not having a bunch of kids. Sometimes I just wonder what it feels like to be her. Her stomach is flat, she got the cutest shape. I figured that if I could get her man, then that means I am just as smart as she is."

Belinda, 28: "A female friend said to me about our mutual friend Tammy, 'We shouldn't even set our sights on the same type of man that Tammy attracts. Her body is slammin,' she can't get nothing but lawyers and doctors. With the way our fat asses look, we should be lucky if he got a job.' That hurt me so much. I can't believe that she said that to me. I love Tammy, but I couldn't help wondering if she thought she was better than me. Yep, I slept with her, boyfriend. I had to. I had to prove to myself that I am just as good as she is. I don't know why she even bothers to sleep with him, he was a terrible lover, but I am an even worst friend."

Doreen, 24: "Your friend buys a dress that you love. Right? She knows that you love that dress, but you can't wear it because your stomach is too big. Fine. Whenever, we go shopping and see the same pair of shoes that we want to buy; You guessed it, it's always in her size and not mine. She just got promoted. I am happy for her, you know what I am saying. If somebody had an ice-cream cone and was always licking it in front of your face, talking about how good it is, wouldn't you just want to try it one time? I'll will never look like Sabrina in a dress, I can accept the fact that I wasn't made that way. When we are together people are always looking at her. But when I made love to her boyfriend, I pretended that I was her because I wanted to feel as beautiful as Sabrina. I hate myself for what I did because she was my only friend. But I finally got to get something that I thought that only she could have."

When a woman buys into the social belief that her worth is attached to her physical appearance, she overlooks the true beauty that lies in the substance of her character. Becoming sexually involved with a friend's male partner is a tool of destruction that perpetuates an energy of competition and self-loathing amongst women. A woman emotionally exploits and rapes another woman by becoming sexually intimate with her male partner. Loyalty, trust, honesty, integrity, faithfulness, and honor are psychological boundaries that solidify healthy relationships with our selves and other.

Competition, Envy & Jealousy Among Women

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A History of Safety

Throughout history, the safety and health movement has been impacted by legislation. In the following safety and health chronology, noteworthy events, individuals, and legislative action are set forth to illustrate the theme that the safety professional/practitioner is and has been a significant part of those preventive experiences making up the story of life.

The Ancient Chinese (c 2,500 BC) spread the risk of loss by placing 1/6 of their harvest on each of six boats traveling to the market.

Mass Mutual

Hammurabi (c 2,000 BC), ruler of Babylon, was responsible for the Code of Hammurabi, part of which bears resemblance to today's workers' compensation laws.

A History of Safety

Ancient Egyptians (as early as 1600 BC) recognized the hazards of breathing the fumes produced by melting silver and gold.

Hippocrates (c 460-c 377 BC), the father of contemporary medicine, established a link between the respiratory problems of Greek stonecutters and the rock dust surrounding them.

In ancient Rome, the few slaves who survived the dangerous task of ship launching were given their freedom.

In 1601, the first English statute on "assurance" (an earlier term for insurance) was enacted. This statute covered marine risks.

In 1667, the Great Fire of London (September 2-7, 4666), caused the first English fire insurance laws to be enacted.

In 1700, Bernardino Ramazzini, an Italian physician, published the first thesis attempting to prove the connections between occupation and disease.

In 1730, Benjamin Franklin organized the first fire-fighting company in the United States as well as detecting lead poisoning symptoms with Dr. Evans.

In 1775, English doctors discovered that chimney sweeps, who were exposed to coal tar residues in their daily work, showed a higher incidence of cancer than did the general population.

In 1792, the first charter to write marine and fire insurance was granted in the United States.

In 1812, the Embargo of the War of 1812 spurred the development of the New England textile industry and the founding of factory mutual companies. These early insurance companies inspected properties for hazards and suggested loss control and prevention methods in order to secure low rates for their policyholders.

In 1864, The Pennsylvania Mine Safety Act (PMSA) was passed into law.

In 1864, North America's first accident insurance policy was issued.

In 1867, the state of Massachusetts instituted the first government-sponsored factory inspection program.

In 1877, the state of Massachusetts passed a law requiring guarding for dangerous machinery, and took authority for enforcement of factory inspection programs.

In 1878, the first recorded call by a labor organization for federal occupational safety and health law is heard.

In 1896, an association to prevent fires and write codes and standards, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), was founded.

In 1902, the state of Maryland passed the first workers' compensation law.

In 1904, the first attempt by a state government to force employers to compensate their employees for on-the-job injuries was overturned when the Supreme Court declared Maryland's workers' compensation law to be unconstitutional.

On March 21, 1911, in the Asch Building in New York City, nearly 150 women and young girls died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire because of locked fire exits and inadequate fire extinguishing systems. A major turning point in history, this fire changed regulation by the government and laws instituted to protect workers.

In 1911, a professional, technical organization responsible for developing safety codes for boilers and elevators, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) was founded. A17 Safety Code was published.

1911-1915, During this five-year period, 30 states passed workers' compensation laws.

In October 14, 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) was founded in New York City. Originally named the United Society of Casualty Inspectors. The ASSE was dedicated to the development of accident prevention techniques, and to the advancement of safety engineering as a profession.

California Railroad Commission, now known as the California Public Utilities Commission, ws created by constitutional amendment to oversee rail safety, including the safety of highway/rail crossings.

In 1912, a group of engineers representing insurance companies, industry, and government met in Milwaukee to exchange data on accident prevention. The organization formed at this meeting was to become the National Safety Council (NSC). (Today, the NSC carries on major safety campaigns for the general public, as well as assists industry in the development of safety promotion programs.)

In 1916, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of state workers' compensation laws.

In 1918, the American Standards Association was founded. Responsible for the development of many voluntary safety standards, some of which are referenced into laws, today, it is now called the American National Standards Institute [ANSI].

In 1931 the Uniform Traffic Code was established because of the increase in speed and volume of motor vehicle traffic and accidents. The code consists of four separate acts: motor vehicle registration, driver licensing, automobile anti-theft and uniform traffic regulations.

In 1936, Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, called for a federal occupational safety and health law. This action came a full 58 years after organized labor's first recorded request for a law of this nature.

In 1936, the Walsh-Healey (Public Contracts) Act passed. This law required that all federal contracts be fulfilled in a healthful and safe working environment.

By 1948, all states (48 at the time) now had workers' compensation laws.

In 1952, Coal Mine Safety Act (CMSA) was passed into law.

In 1960, specific safety standards were promulgated for the Walsh-Healey Act.

On Jan 3, 1961, an accident at an experimental nuclear reactor at a federal installation near Idaho Falls, ID kills three workers. These were the first deaths in U.S. nuclear reactor operations.

In 1966, the Metal and Nonmetallic Mines Safety Act (MNMSA) was passed.

In 1966, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and its sections, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), were established.

In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson called for a federal occupational safety and health law.

In 1969, the Construction Safety Act (CSA) was passed.

In 1969, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) was established. This organization certifies practitioners in the safety profession.

In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), thus creating the OSHA administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

In 1970, on January 1, the National Environmental Policy Act, (NEPA) was signed. This provided a national charter for protecting and improving the environment and created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

On May 29, 1971, the firast OSHA standards were adopted to provide a baseline for safety and health protection in American workplaces.

In 1972, the Consumers Product Safety Act (CPSA) was signed into law.

In 1976, The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) passed and became the instrument by which the management of hazardous waste is regulated.

In 1980, to address the issues of hazardous waste management, the Pollution Liability Insurance Association (PLIA) was formed.

Jan 16, 1981 OSHA updates business electrical standards to simplify compliance and adopt a performance approach.

1991 North Carolina Plant Fire kills 25 workers and 49 injured at the Imperial Chicken processing plant in Hamlet NC. The employees were trapped inside due to padlocked doors meant to keep vandals away.

Sep 11, 2001, 2886 work related fatalities including 537 rescue workers, resulted from terrorist attacks on the NY City World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, an on the planes that crashed.

A History of Safety

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Death Calculator - How Long Will You Live?

Take the Quiz!

Answer all quiz items as truthfully as possible - in other words, to the best of your knowledge. Don't guess. Begin with 79 years, then add or subtract years based on the scoring of your answers on each item. Your completed (total) score is a rough estimate of your current life expectancy.

Mass Mutual

1. Where is your ancestral home? (if not given, enter a score of 0). US = minus 2. Austria-UK = minus 1. Canada-France-Italy = 0. Australia-Singapore-Sweden = plus 2. Japan = plus 3. FACT: Life expectancy varies by nation due to genetic and cultural differences.

Death Calculator - How Long Will You Live?

2. What is your gender ? Female = plus 1. Male = minus 2. FACT: Life expectancy favors the female gender regardless of culture.

3. Do you have an annual physical exam? Yes = plus 3. No = minus 3. FACT: Many diseases (cancers, hypertension) in later life are asymptomatic, go unnoticed and untreated.

4. Do you have parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who lived to 85-plus? Add 2 for each 85-plus relative. FACT: Research demonstrates that long-lived parents tend to produce long-living children.

5. Do you volunteer on a weekly basis? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 1.

FACT: Studies confirm that volunteering focuses attention away from ourselves and onto others.

6. Do you live alone? Yes = minus 3. No = 0. FACT: Adults who live alone tend to be less well-nourished, more isolated, and less nurtured.

7. Are you able to laugh at and learn from your mistakes? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 3. FACT: Laughter, humility, and a positive outlooks are linked to increased life expectancy.

8. Do you have a confidant who listens to your most intimate concerns? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 2.

FACT: Confidants offer emotional catharsis and a sense of personal worth to those in crisis.

9. Do you engage in daily mental exercises such as puzzles, games, learning or problem-solving? Yes = plus 4. No = 0. FACT: Individuals that continually challenge their minds suffer fewer cognitive disorders.

10. Do you engage in some form of daily aerobic exercise such as swimming, jogging or biking? Yes = plus 2. No = 0. FACT: Exercising at one's target heart rate strengthens the heart and boosts metabolism.

11. Do you eat a balanced diet, including fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 3. FACT: Balanced dieters experience lower risk of both genetic and culturally related diseases.

12. Do you smoke a pack of cigarettes daily? Yes = minus 5 for men, minus 10 for women. No = 0. FACT: Smoking causes nearly half a million cancer and lung disease deaths every year.

13. Do you live with, work with, or spend time with people who smoke? Yes = minus 1 for men, minus 2 for women. No = 0. FACT: Although close association with smokers is thought to reduce a person's life expectancy by one year, recent research suggests this association may reduce life expectancy by two years.

14. Does your body weight "yo-yo" as you go on and off diet fads? Yes = minus 5. No = 0. FACT: Unorthodox dietary regimens stress the heart and immune system, increasing the risk of disease.

15. Do you own a pet? Yes = plus 2. No = 0. FACT: Peer-reviewed scientific journals substantially support longevity benefits of pet companionship. (Note: Avoid exotic pets, such as parrots, monkeys, reptiles, or rodents. These animals have been known to carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.)

16. When writing, which hand do you use? Left-handed = minus 1. Right-handed = 0. Life is stressful for lefties living in a made-for right-hand world. FACT: Lefties live in a world where most objects are designed for right-handed people. Objects such as scissors, pencil sharpeners, door openers, and can openers are rarely designed for left-handed people.

17. How tall are you? For every inch of your height that exceeds 5'8" = subtract six months. FACT: Size does matter, but not in any way you may have thought. Shorter people live longer.

18. Do you belong to any religious group, and do you practice your faith? Yes = plus 2. No = 0. FACT: Attending to both physical and spiritual needs lowers morbidity and mortality.

19. Do you have two or more daughters? Yes = plus 3. No = 0. Daughters are elder caregivers. FACT: Daughters provide the bulk of eldercare. Even daughters-in-law provide more care than do sons.

20. Do you use stress management techniques such as meditation, quiet time or visiting a spa? Yes = plus 4. No = minus 3. FACT: Because there is no escape from stress in our modern society, stress management is the best response.

21. Do you walk to work? Yes = plus 2. Ride to work? Yes = plus 1. Drive to work? Yes = minus 3. FACT: Walking offers fitness benefits, as well as a sense of self-reliance and personal freedom (no gridlock!).

22. Have you had cosmetic surgery? Yes = plus 5. (But subtract 1 for each additional surgery during the same decade.) FACT: Cosmetic surgery reduces age phobia and age discrimination and evokes a positive response from a youth-obsessed world. Too many cosmetic surgeries (that is, more than one every 10 years), however, may actually accelerate the aging process.

23. Do you fear the uncertainties of growing old? Yes = minus 1. No fear = plus 0. FACT: Fear of aging increases your risk of emotional illnesses such as self hatred, denial and depression.

24. Do you routinely use cannabis? Yes = minus 4. No = 0. FACT: Scientific studies claim that frequent cannabis use increases the risk of physical and mental disorders-such as lung and heart disease and psychosis-by as much as 150 percent.

25. Are you sexually promiscuous? Yes = minus 6. No = 0. FACT: Engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners greatly increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

26. Are you engaged in a long-term relationship of trust and mutual respect? Yes = plus 5. No = 0. FACT: A relationship of this nature fulfills emotional, social, and physical needs and lowers morbidity and mortality risks.

27. Are all your friends the same age as you? Yes = minus 2. Do you have friends of different ages? Yes = plus 1. FACT: Having friends from a younger generation counters an age-related decrease in your social network. Social isolation sets the stage for a variety of age-accelerating conditions. Those who live alone, for example, have a shorter life expectancy due to poor nutrition; the absence of companionship and someone who can intervene during periods of depression or physical illness; a decreasing need to get dressed and groomed; and safety issues (for example, the hearing impaired often misinterpret abnormal sounds, such as bathroom water pipes gurgling, as human voices whispering) and no one is present to tell them otherwise.

28. Do you keep a written list of specific life goals with time frames for completion? Yes = plus 1. No = 0. FACT: Studies of performance behavior link specific goals and achievements to quality of life.

29. Do you have a family (blood relatives) history of cardiovascular disease or cancer prior to age 50? Subtract 2 per occurrence. FACT: Family history demonstrates just how many cultural risks are increased by genetic predisposition. Culture (lifestyle) and genetics (inherited conditions) moderate the aging process. For example, some ethnic groups share a history of longevity, as do the children of long-lived parents.

30. Do you have a family history of obesity, diabetes, or chronic depression? Subtract 2 per occurrence.

FACT: Family history demonstrates just how many cultural risks are enhanced by genetic predisposition.

31. Do you take a once-daily dose (physician-approved) of an anti-inflammatory agent? Yes = plus 4. No = 0. FACT: Scientific studies of anti-inflamatory drugs such as aspirin and statins show a reduced risk of cardio-vascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

32. Do you have an annual physical exam that includes a review of diet, over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, and dietary supplements? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 3. FACT: Without oversight, combining prescription and over-the-counter medications with dietary supplements can be life threatening.

33. Does your dental care routine include daily brushing and flossing, plus a six-month checkup and cleaning? Yes = 0. No = minus 1.

FACT: A lack of preventive dental care and poor oral health habits raises the risk of infection elsewhere in the body, such as the heart.

34. Do you compute your daily caloric needs, then reduce caloric intake by 20 percent? Yes = plus 2. No = 0. FACT: Research demonstrates a strong relationship between reduced caloric intake and longevity. If you answered "No" to this question, read the chapter, Thoughts for Food, for more information about computing your daily caloric needs and the benefits of reducing your caloric intake by 20 percent.

35. Do you have one daily serving of red wine (7 oz), purple grape juice (7 oz), or RDA grape-seed extract? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 1. FACT: The agent in purple grapes enhances cardiovascular health by flushing cholesterol from the arteries.

36. Do you have one daily serving of oatmeal or oatbran (one -half cup, or one 70- gram granola bar)? Yes= plus 1. No= minus1. FACT: The fiber in oatmeal enhances cardiovascular health by flushing cholestoral from the arteries.

37. Are you involved in supervised strength training 3 times per week? Yes = 0. No = minus 1. FACT: Muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination are essential to daily living and reduce the likelihood of tripping and falling.

38. Do you have a daily exercise routine that consists of at least 20 minutes of supervised cardiovascular training at your target heart rate, as well as warm-up and cool-down periods? Yes = plus 2, No = 0. FACT: Cardiovascular and metabolic benefits occur when exercise is performed at your target heart rate. If you answered "No" to this question, read chapter five, Full Body Contact, for more information about calculating your target heart rate and the benefits of a regular exercise routine.

39. Is your home and indoor work space adequately ventilated by frequently opening windows, or equipped with air filtration that can filter microscopic particles? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 1. FACT: Environmental studies have documented increasing evidence of cardiopulmonary diseases generated from indoor air and materials. Common items you have and use in and around your home - such as carpets and furniture, insecticides, cleansers, and paint and varnish - can release toxins into the air. In addition, all homes absorb toxins from the outside environment through normal cracks in foundations and walls.

40. Do you eat or drink more than two daily servings of caffeinated products, such as coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate? Yes = minus 2. No = 0. FACT: Caffeine helps headache pain, but its toxic affect elsewhere elevates the risk of cancer and heart disease.

41. Is your BMI (body mass index) 25 or greater? Yes = minus 4. No = 0. FACT: A Body Mass Index of 25 or above increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and hypertension. Clinical obesity has multiple negative and long-term effects on organs throughout the body. If you do not know how to calculate your Body Mass Index, read chapter five, Full Body Contact, for more information.

42. Is the average time you take to consume your meals more than 30 minutes? = 0. Less than 30 minutes? = minus 1.

FACT: Your brain requires 30 minutes to measure fullness, by which time you're often on a second or third helping.

43. Do you eat, drink, or use a cell phone while driving your vehicle? Yes = minus 1. No = 0. FACT: These distracting behaviors elevate your risk of frightening close calls and outright accidents.

44. Do you have a consistent work schedule (i.e., work 9 to 5)? = 0. Or do you have an inconsistent work schedule (shift work that changes schedule)? = minus 2.

FACT: One in four workers is in a shift-work occupation that results in chronic sleep deprivation.

45. Within a 24-hour day, do you sleep nine or more hours? Yes = minus 1. Do you sleep 6-8 hours? Yes = plus 2. Do you sleep 5 hours or fewer? Yes = 1. FACT: On average, most people need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation is associated with poor concentration, more frequent accidents, and substandard effort.

46. Can you list symptoms associated with colon cancer? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 2. FACT: It is not necessary for this cancer to be so dangerous to your health. Get a checkup, now.

47. Can you list symptoms of adult-onset diabetes? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 3. FACT: Genetics, lifestyle, dietary habits, or a combination of the three are all risk factors.

48. Women only: Can you list breast cancer symptoms? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 3. FACT: Preventive measures such as breast self-examination and mammography remain under-utilized.

49. Can you list high blood pressure symptoms? Yes = minus 2. No = 0 FACT: There are no symptoms associated with high blood pressure; therefore, you should have your blood pressure checked regularly.

50. Women only: Have you had a bone density test as a preventive step against osteoporosis? Yes = plus 1, No = 0. FACT: Osteoporosis is more prevalent in women and increases the risk of back and hip fractures. Start monitoring early. As a preventive health measure, women should monitor their calcium needs as early as age 23 and their bone density as early as age 30.

51. Men only: Can you list prostate cancer symptoms? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 2. FACT: After age 50, your doctor should monitor prostate health by reliable digital or PSA testing.

52. Men only: Can you list testicular cancer symptoms? Yes = 0. No = minus 1. FACT: Avoid clothing fabric or styles that elevate testicle temperature. Monitor on a regular basis by inspecting the soft tissue of the testicles for lumps and painful areas; if found, see your doctor for a professional examination.

53. Women only: Can you list ovarian cancer symptoms? Yes = plus 2. No = minus 2. FACT: Early risks exist but increase after menopause, and in association with advancing age.

54. Can you list heart attack symptoms? Yes = plus 1. No = minus 2. FACT: Learn the symptoms and immediate interventions. Learn Cardiopulmonary Resusciation (CPR) for protecting loved ones.

55. How would you rate your sex life? Satisfactory = plus 1. Not sure = minus 0. Not satisfactory = minus 1. FACT: Overstimulation by advertising, entertainment, and fashion results in a genuine need for a positive sexual outlet.

Now add it all up. Your score is an estimate of how long you can expect to live. A score of less than 79 years should alert you to take positive action. In fact, 75% of longevity predictors are based on lifestyle, not genes. Remember, long life depends on seven factors: genetic inheritance (good genes give you a good head start), physical fitness, mental fitness (exercising your mind), emotional fitness (meaningful lives last longer), spiritual fitness (interpreting the purpose of life), food fitness (healthy nutrition and diet) and environmental fitness (limiting our exposure to toxic chemicals). Remember, the key to a long and healthy life is more than smart genes and dumb luck.

Low score? It's never too late to make positive lifestyle changes. A complete lifestyle plan, in an interactive question & answer format is available in Dr. David Demko's book, "Live Well Now, Dr. David Demko's Anti-Aging Plan to Youth'n Your Life".

Copyright Next Decade, Inc. 2005

Death Calculator - How Long Will You Live?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Feeling Words and Expressions

If you came from a family where you were not allowed to express your true feelings, you may not even be aware of the range of feelings that are normal and experienced every day. In communication with your family you may find yourself overusing the old stand by's of "Mad, Sad and Happy."

Communication based on mutual respect

Mass Mutual

Mutual respect means that children and parents allow each other to express their beliefs and feelings honestly and without fear of rejection. You may not agree with what is being shared, but you do agree they have the right to their feelings.

Feeling Words and Expressions

Use of "I" statements

When we start a conversation by saying "You always.." the other person automatically puts up defenses. Instead in using a statement on how the behavior makes you feel, you will not be laying blame and the child is more likely to listen. In most cases, it is not the behavior that is frustrating you but the possible consequences it will produce for you. A simple formula is stating;

1. When (behavior)
2. I feel (feeling)
3. because (state the consequence)

So instead of blaming a child, you might say, "When I see toys all over the living room, after I have asked you to pick them up, I feel like I am not being heard and it hurts my feelings.Because the toys are still here, we have two choices, either you pick them up or I will pick them up and put them away for a day."

Tune into non-verbal clues

Verbal language is communication of information. Nonverbal language is communication of relationships. Watch for clues on how your child is really feeling. Acknowledging these clues allows the child to express his feelings. For instance: "when you roll your eyes that way, I think you don't agree, is that right?" "Your frown tells me you are concerned about something. Want to talk about it?"

Words reflecting "upset" feelings

Children need to understand that there are many varying degrees of upset feelings. Some such examples are: abandoned, accused, angry, anxious, bored, defeated, difficult, disappointed, discouraged, disgusted, disrespected, doubt, embarrassed, frightened, frustrated, guilty, hate, hopeless, hurt inadequate, incapable, left out, miserable, put down, rejected, sad, stupid, unfair, unhappy, unloved, worried, worthless.

Words reflecting "happy" feelings

Just as there are varying degrees of upset feelings, there are just as many different words to describe happy emotions, such as accepted, amused, appreciated, better, capable, comfortable, confident, encouraged, enjoy, excited, glad, good grateful, great, happy, joyful, love, pleased, proud, relieved, respected, satisfied, silly.

Family: Feeling Words and Expressions
© Judy H. Wright, Parent Educator and Author

Feeling Words and Expressions